Katie Likes:
- drinking coffee all day (and all night, but only decaf after 4 pm)
- Cheez-Its, grilled cheese, string cheese, cheese fries, and cheese
- indie music
- her main men - Jonathan and Peyton
- Liz Lemon, Jessie Pinkman, Buster Bluth, Peggy Olsen, Arya Stark, Leslie Knope, and Detective Olivia Bensen.
Wensley St. Clair Griffith, her foster cat
- hoarding candles, nail polish, chapsticks, and small decorative trinkets
- every food except for banana chips

Katie Dislikes:
- water parks
- flip-flops
- Akon
- thinking about the ocean or outer space for too long
- the taste of whiskey
- banana chips

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